How To Kill I'M here Virus (vbs lola 666 virus)

I write this article specifically at the request of this blog visitors who experienced problems with I'M Here virus (vbs lola 666 virus). I will try to provide solutions to resolve the issue. The virus is always put icon of internet explorer or mozilla, with the advent of I'M here html files on the desktop a few times even though you delete the file must occur again because the virus still active service in the memory. A good way to deleted permanently from the desktop file should be turned off once the engine/service virus with the latest antivirus updates antivirus and one that is used by me to deal with I'M here virus (vbs lola 666 virus) is the Symantec Antivirus and Norton Antivirus are same the important is virus definition latest update.

Is the problem solved? Calm down... continue reading.. before it, I want to explain a little about the virus that originated from Papua Indonesia.

-- Pesan Negara --
Coba lihatlah keadaan pedidikan di negeri kami..
Apakah pemerintah sudah memberikan yang terbaik..
Masih ada yang jauh di sana..
Yang tidak menerima pendidikan..
Pemerintah tidak bertanggung jawab..
Memajukan pendidikan umum..
Ini merupakan janji kalian untuk kami..

To overcome the virus, please install Symantec Antivirus or Norton Antivirus and then download the newest update.

Norton Antivirus and Symantec Antivirus Corporate legally get on the official site

Virus Definition Files:
Update Symantec Corp. (Include Norton)
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